Workout Wednesday: Vie Activist Rockell Williamson-Rudder, Xtend Barre
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August 07, 2013
Vie Active

These days, it seems almost every celeb in Hollywood can be spotted on her way to or from an Xtend Barre class! Our own bondi-based Vie Activist, Vibeke Murphy is a huge fan also! So we went to the source, Rockell Williamson-Rudder, the pioneer of this workout form here in Australia, and our latest Vie Activist to find out what it is and why we should be doing it!?

- What is Xtend Barre and why should we be doing it!? Xtend Barre is a 55 minute total body workout! It's basically a version of Pilates and Dance only amplified!! Developed from a dance / Pilates background, the Xtend Barre workout combines the amazing results of dance with the principles of strength and safety in Pilates. Xtend Barre chisels your body… and fast!
- What motivated you to start the Xtend Barre in Sydney and what sets Xtend apart from other dance-style classes out there? After trying and testing many barre workouts we launched Xtend Barre in Sydney as it is the most well rounded, dynamic and forward moving programme on the market. This is seen in the results of the stunning long and lean women’s bodies who do our classes. The combination of toning and dynamic, flowing cardio movement sees Xtend Barre loved in studio’s not just in Australia, but all over the world! Our research and development team are constantly creating Continuing Education for our instructors to ensure they are always learning and growing, keeping the classes and choreography fresh for all our clients. No one class is ever the same and Xtend Barre continues to ‘Raise the Barre’ for our clients.
- What advice would you have for a former gym rat who's making their way to the barre for the first time? In Xtend Barre, we can modify or amplify the workout to suit everyone from prenatal to even the most advanced athlete. It’s a different challenge for someone who has only trained in gym classes so be open to retraining your body and exploring new positions. You might find little muscles you didn’t know you had and might find yourself shaking at the barre – that’s OK! Just have fun and listen to your body!
For more info about Xtend Barre visit
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