Motivation Monday: Do the thing you think you cannot do

Posted on August 25, 2013 by Vie Active

Mondays seem to be the days we need some motivation most. I'm so happy to say that now, creating a business that is built around my dream and my passion - inpiring and empowering women to live a fit and fashionable life, I am excited to start work on a Monday morning. Truth be told, I'm never really "not" working but right now, I wouldn't have it any other way.

So, on to the motivation piece. Today’s is courtesy of Elanor Roosevelt: “You must do the thing you think you cannot do”. Sometimes we all need a little reminding that it’s important to do or at least try, the very thing we think (or have been told) we can not do.

Having close to zero experience in fashion design and manufacturing may well be a reason for some costly mistakes in this business but by the same token it's enabled me to thing big, and constantly push the envelope in terms of what's possible in activewear. I am truly committed to created a brand recognised for its use of the highest performance fabrics married with style and fashion. Our print techniques are innovative and second to none in terms of quality. I am proud to be able to offer women an truly stylish and functional workout wear so that you no longer have to make a choice between being fit or being stylish. After all, "fit is the new it!".

On a physical level, I will never forget being told by a massage therapist that I didn’t have “a marathon runner’s body”. Of course, in my mind – this became a challenge to prove to him (and admittedly myself), that I could in fact accomplish this feat. So I did. I ran my first marathon in Phuket with my good friend Alice a couple of years ago. When’s the next one? Hopefully 2015  – New York. Anyone keen to do it with me???  Over the next year, I am bunkering down and focusing on doing some other things I always thought I could not do. Interestingly, they are not physical challenges. I used to always feel the need to have a physical challenge in order to keep me on the straight and narrow but these days I exercise continuously and constantly because I just love it and its fun! 

So what’s your challenge? What have you always wanted to do but always thought you couldn’t?

Posted in motivation



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