[MOVE YOUR BODY LOVE YOUR BODY] Q and A with Katrina Loop

Posted on February 16, 2014 by Sasha Hartley

  1. What is your "Love your body" mantra?
    Love and nourish your body. It is the only place you ever have to live.
  1. What do you love most about yourself?
    My internal motivation to be active and adventurous every day.
  1. Why do you think it is so important to love your body?
    Without love for your body, you are unlikely to nourish it, to look after it properly. We only get one body, one life, and one chance to give it the best we have.
  1. What type of exercise do you do & why do you love it?
    Daily yoga and walking, swimming, tennis, anything outdoorsy. I used to run A LOT, however found that it was not the best exercise for my body. I listened to the message my broken body was telling me, and it was that that running wasn’t right for me anymore, and that other exercise would serve me better. My body was right – no more injuries!
  2. How do you nourish your body?
    I nourish my body from the inside out. Being a yogi and a nutritionist, internal nourishment is just as important (if not more) than external nourishment. I nourish my body internally by eating a range of ‘whole’ foods that are in their true form, without modification, and without preservatives; and externally by doing some kind of exercise every day. By moving, and having fun whilst doing it!
  1. What are your top three beauty tips for caring for your body?
  • Find a form of exercise that you love. It is WAY easier to stay motivated to stay active this way!
  • Be kind to your body. If your body is telling you to back off and rest – do it. Do not beat yourself up for resting. Recovery is vital.
  • Make water your beverage of choice, and drink PLENTY of it!

Can I add another one? I have a number 4…

  • Wear sunscreen and a hat whenever you venture outside. They are better than any miracle treatment against ageing.
  1. Do you have any advice for anyone who is struggling to love their body?
    My best friend told me this once. I started doing it, and it really made a difference!
    Every time you get out of the shower, don’t just slap on your body moisturizer. Put it on lovingly - like a massage. And as you are doing this, think to yourself how amazing and beautiful your body is.
  1. Who is your biggest move your body, love your body inspiration?
    Probably any dedicated yogi. In the true practice of yoga, you are so in tune with what your body needs at every given moment that you are able to honor your body at every moment - be it by moving, or by stillness. To be truly in tune with your body is an amazing and beautiful thing.

Posted in active, balance, fitness, love, move your body love your body, self love, workout, yoga



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