Posted on May 10, 2014 by Sasha Hartley

To top off our series of Fit Mum Features for Mother's day we are sharing a bit about our very own co-founder Noa, the ultimate fit mum that inspires us every day. She delves into how her mother inspires her and how she tries to instill the notion of living an active life in her two daughters.

1.  What's the one thing your mum always taught you about living an active life?
My mother never pushed me in to any type of fitness when I was younger and so I learnt to love it very organically as we would go for bike rides, walks with the dog, adventures to the park etc.  I got into dancing and various sports at school (trying out almost everything once) and my mother encouraged a sense of exploration in my fitness journey. I wasn't obliged to do anything and I could try what I liked... including gymnastics, netball, softball, basketball, track & field, cycling, swimming. I really love the sense of freedom she gave me in my active life.

2.  Your mum is a… Nurturing Mum

3.   What do you love about being a mum?
The feeling that my heart might explode with love.

4.  What are the three most important things you teach your kids about being healthy & active?
To get outside every day. My eldest daughter has to burn off energy every day. At 3 years old, she is an adrenaline junky just like her father and she loves being outside riding her bike or scooter or going for runs in the jogging stroller or being on the back of my bike for a ride with me. I try to make sure she has a balanced diet every day and sometimes this includes making up names for the green things I am giving her: "green elf smoothies", "green dinosaur pesto", "fairy salad." etc...

Green Elf Smoothie Recipe
1 cup of Kale
1/4 of an avocado
1 Tbsp coconut oil
1/2 Frozen banana
1 cup of almond milk
1 teaspoon of Vital Kids 

5. What are some healthy snacks we can find in your kids lunch boxes?
Yoghurt, cheese, fruit, avocado, raisins etc

6. How do you spend time with your kids that is fun & active?
I love going for a run with one of my daughters in the stroller. Or a bike ride with the eldest in the bike seat on the back. She always says "faster mummy faster!" and I love listening to her sense of wonder as she notices things along the way. We also enjoy going on family hikes - everyone gets fresh air, we get to have great conversations and hang out together.

7. What are your top 3 active “mum on the go” pieces from Vie Active?
My Libby Hoodie gets worn about 60% of the time and I alternate between the Rockell Black Leopards and Rockell Signature Leopards. Its my standard uniform and means I can workout, go to the office and head out afterwards without an outfit change.

Posted in active life, activewear, green smoothie, love, mothers day, mum, recipe



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