An interview with our New York City-based Vie Activist, Equinox personal trainer Lauren Johan

Posted on March 04, 2013 by Bryan Ries



An Australian expat currently living in New York City, Lauren works at Equinox Gym in Greenwich Ave, Manhattan, as a personal trainer. Originally working in marketing, Lauren started her journey into the health and fitness industry a few years ago whilst living in Singapore and has never looked back!

Ed’s note: Looking like a model herself (her legs alone seem to never end!), Lauren’s a fantastic personal trainer combining intense sessions with a holistic and healthy approach to nutrition.

I believe a healthy, balanced lifestyle is all about GET, GIVE and LOVE! GET out there and GET your body moving! GIVE your body good nutrition and consciously take steps to LOVE yourself and others.


How do you live an active life, what’s your favourite way to stay fit?

Getting outdoors when I can! Running, hiking, skiing, resistance training, Equinox group classes, Pilates, yoga.

What is your favourite thing to do on the weekend?

Catching up with loved ones and enjoying great food and the great outdoors.

What’s your style like when you’re not working out?


Favourite healthy dish to cook?    

That's a tough one! I love meat or fish and a big salad brimming with an array of oven roasted vegetables! Check out my blog for lots of delish and healthy recipes! 

If a client told you they were too busy to workout, what advice would you give them?

I would say that there are always a few minutes in the day to squeeze something in.  Start by thinking small and then you can be surprised how more time can begin to open up. Take 10 or 20 minutes at lunchtime and power walk around the office. Take a different mode of transport to or from work that makes you walk further. During the commercials of your favorite TV show stand up and do star jumps, squats or whatever you can muster! Take the stairs. It ALL counts! You don't have to workout for an hour to begin to feel the positive effects of exercise.

What are you top three recommended supplements people should take for optimal wellbeing and general maintenance.

Omega-3 fatty acids are the brain-boosting, cholesterol-clearing good fats. Also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in brain function, as well as normal growth and development. It’s good for your joints, skin, vision, brain, heart, helps lower bad cholesterol levels and even boosts fertility. Recent studies also show a link between a diet high in Omega 3 and better control with weight loss and weight maintenance.

Vitamin D3 Vitamin D3 helps the body absorb the calcium we do take in. Further studies have shown that higher dosages of vitamin D3 may help prevent a variety of health concerns, from breast cancer and osteoporosis to type 1 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and multiple sclerosis (MS).

Biotin: Is a B-complex vitamin that supports skin, nerve, digestive tract and metabolic health. Having the right levels of Biotin in your body will assist in giving you luscious hair, stronger nails and clearer skin. Another key benefit its metabolic boosting effect. Biotin is essential for the metabolic process by assisting in the breakdown of amino acids and carbohydrates in the body helping to regulate blood sugar levels in the body. 

How do you find balance?

I follow the 80/20 rule! That’s means allowing myself that 20 percent to be 'me' time. It can mean so many different things;  like getting away for a weekend trip, unwinding with a pedicure, going cross country skiing, taking a meditation class, catching up with girlfriends for a glass of wine, reading a favorite book in bed or indulging in a little chocolate or a scoop of gelato.

What does living an active life mean to you?

Being active is all part of being in the moment. So much of life seems to want us to focus on the future but being active can happen now! 

Get in touch with Lauren at

Posted in active living, balance, city living, fitness, health, healthy living, inspiration, motivation, new york city, Vie active, vie active list, wellbeing



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