
Noa's Travel Essentials

Posted on June 18, 2014 by Cal Wilson

Vie Active co-founder, Noa has some valuable advice for easy travel outfit combinations and workout tips when you are on the go!

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Posted in active life, active living, fitness, fitness fashion, travel, workout

Monday Motivation Mantras

Posted on June 08, 2014 by Natalie Nugara

At times, it's inevitable; waking up on the wrong side of the bed in a bad mood, sets a bad tone for your entire day. While there are plenty of reasons to wake up in the morning, sometimes you need a little extra motivation to get out of bed and put on your runners. 

This is where the morning mantra comes in.We asked some of our Vie Activists what their personal mantras are that keep them motivated, positive and focused on the important things in life. 

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Posted in active living, balance, health, inspiration, motivation, vie activists, wellbeing, wellness

Vie Activist: Meet Chelsea Yamase

Posted on June 01, 2014 by Natalie Nugara

This month we want to celebrate the amazing people we call 'Vie Activists.' These ladies embody all that Vie Active stands for and are the epitome of positive roles models for living an active life.
We chatted to our newest Vie Activist, Chelsea Yamase, about everything from how she lives an active life to the most adventurous items on her bucket list. 

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Posted in active life, active living, balance, fitness, healthy living, inspiration, motivation, vie activists, wellbeing, yoga

Happy Birthday to us! Love from Noa

Posted on May 27, 2014 by Phoebe Greenacre

Three years ago, I had an epiphany and a vision to create a new global performance-wear brand that woman of today, particularly those who love both fitness and fashion and the phenomenal way both can make you feel. 

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Posted in active life, active living, fit and healthy community, fitness, fitness fashion, health, healthy living, motivation, Vie active, wellbeing

Meet the Vie Active Team

Posted on May 27, 2014 by Cal Wilson

In celebration of our first birthday we want to introduce to you the wonderful people that make the Vie Active team. We are a fun loving bunch and our common passion for health and fitness is what has brought us together into such a cohesive team. So without further ado let the introductions begin! 

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Posted in active life, active living, fit and healthy community, fitness, fitness fashion, healthy living, inspiration, motivation, to-meet, Vie active, workout

About Vie Active

Posted on May 25, 2014 by Natalie Nugara

We are so excited that it is Vie Active’s first birthday coming up so in celebration we want to provide you guys, our supporters, with some insight into our brand, what we value and why we choose to live an active life.

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Posted in active living, fitness, fitness fashion, healthy living, Vie active

The Girls Behind Project Ignite

Posted on May 23, 2014 by Natalie Nugara

At Vie Active we love to see and support local female Australian talent, we interviewed the girls behind Project Ignite to see how they live active lives and what big plans they have for the future

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Posted in active living, fitness, health, healthy living, inspiration, motivation

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