A model's life: Erin Holland
Posted on
July 22, 2013
Vie Active
While its true some models do survive on a diet of diet coke and not much else, in our new series, A Model's Life, we sit down with some top models who are passionate about their health & fitness to talk about the toning tips, eating habits, and healthy practices they’ve learned on the job.
Although these stunning models won the genetic lottery jackpot, each works hard to maintain her toned, athletic physique. As models, they’ve learned lots of healthy lifestyle methods for eating well and cultivating magazine-cover-worthy bods. Just what are they? And what can we fitness civilians borrow from them?

Erin Holland. QLD born, based in Sydney, NSW Australia.
Recently crowned Miss Australia for the Miss World 2013 competition, Erin has modelled for a variety of brands including yours truly, Vie Active! In addition to being a gorgeous model, Erin is also a singer (including opera), dancer and actress. Stay tuned for our upcoming video featuring Erin.
What is your go-to workout:
Depends on the day!! I am lucky enough to workout at DC Health and Training in St Leonard's - they have devised a specific program for me built around my desired look, physiology and previous injuries to ensure I get maximum results in a safe manner ... I'm very lucky to be in such capable hands!!
How do you tone up quickly for a big shoot?
I pay extra attention to my diet and try to eat as cleanly as possible. Training 5 days a week is a general rule for me now as you never know when an amazing last-minute opportunity will arise! I have to be looking my best at all times :)
What do you typically eat?
I don't have a staple meal plan as I travel a lot and work inconsistent hours with what I do... I generally just always try and make the healthiest choices possible and be prepared with healthy snacks in my bag wherever I go!
Favorite snack on the run?
I am literally never without a Carmen's muesli bar in my bag.... I'm actually eating one as I write this ;)
What do you look for in activewear?
Something comfortable and durable, yet still fashionable and fun!
- Sunrise or Sunset workout? Which do you prefer? Sunrise. I tend to have a pretty hectic work schedule so if it doesn't get done in the morning, it may not get done!!
- Typical workout? Mixture of weights, cardio and stretching is always on the agenda at DC Health.
- Typical breakfast? I am a massive fan of oats - looooove a great Bircher Muesli! Definitely keeps me fuller for longer :)
- What’s your ultimate healthy meal? I currently have a love affair with chicken and avocado Greek salad... I can't get enough of balsamic vinegar!!
- What are your makeup must-haves? I can't go anywhere without mascara - I'm very fair, so my eyes just simply feel naked if I go without!
- What’s always in your gymbag? My Vie Activewear Noa Jacket - I swear the boys don't think I own anything else...
- Best active holiday you’ve ever taken? Skiing the Remarkables and Coronet Peak in Queenstown - you don't realise you've been skiing for hours when you have such a incredibly picturesque backdrop.
- What totally relaxes you? A really long, really hot bath.
- What’s your biggest vice? Red frogs! It's terrible but I am never without them!!
- What was the last thing you recommended to a friend? Where to get their hair done!! My amazing hair sponsors Kevin McKenzie Hair are just incredible.
- What’s always in your fridge? Not a lot - I'm never home!! Generally speaking, I always at least keep avocados and multigrain bread around for emergencies ;)
- What would we be surprised to find in your fridge - Probably the number of tomato sauce bottles - it's standing joke amongst my friends that I can't eat a meal without it (I'm really NOT that bad)
- Your style icon? Miranda Kerr really just always has it together. It's criminal how great she looks 24/7.
- Your "healthy living" hero? I take inspiration from many people - I have a lot of friends in the industry who are a mix of vegetarian and vegan, and it's always as great exploring new meal options with the, and trying new things!
- The wardrobe item you can’t live without? My biker boots. I don't think I've taken them off all winter.
- The book on your bedside table right now? Haha the Hunger Games! I love to read but I haven't had a chance to actually get into anything new in ages.
- Three things on your bucket list? Greek islands, Paris, Disneyland
- Your latest obsession? It's not a new obsession, but baby animals haha! The 2 day old lamb we met whilst shooting Vie Active's video was the most gorgeous little thing I have ever seen - instantly fell in love!!!
- Number one reason for living an active life? You only get one body. We owe it to ourselves to treat it with respect and take full advantage of this wonderful life we live. It's pretty simple, when I'm really active I feel amazing - and who doesn't want to feel amazing every day?
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active living,
beach living,
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fitness fashion,
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