A model's life: Matilda Finnegan

Posted on August 12, 2013 by Vie Active

An international model & fitness student currently studying to be a personal trainer, 22 year old Matilda Finnegan has been modelling for two years, having started her career as a semi finalist for miss world Australia in 2012. Through hard work and a great attitude she was then selected for a 2 month Modelling contract to travelling Seoul, South Korea in late 2012. After returning home to Sydney's northern beaches, Matilda noticed that healthy eating & exercise was not commonly practiced by many young models & teens and so with her personal trainer, Zanna Cox Matilda is working on changing these bad habits and promoting healthy eating & active living amongst models, adults & teens. 
  • What is your go-to workout? Being a model involves being very lean and toned. I opt for lots of cardio, interval running with sprints & incline sprints. I love Pilates & yoga but am really enjoying long walks with my kelpie. He keeps me active! 
  • How do you tone up quickly for a big shoot? I train with Zanna Cox, plain and simple! Sessions involve lots of running, burpees, squats and boxing to tone up my arms & shoulders. If I have spare time I swim and do synchronise swimming. 
  • What do you typically eat? I try to eat as clean as possible. No processed foods or soft drink! Although, I never deprive myself of any cravings. If I'm craving chocolate, I will eat it in a small serving! I find that when I restrict myself I cheat with my diet, eating at the right times and incorporating foods I like prevent the junk food binge! 
  • What's your workout ethos? Maintaining and progressing with my weight and workouts is a hard task. I focus on what my body tells me. If I'm feeling great ill do a great workout. If I'm feeling sluggish ill do Pilates and if I'm feeling a little bit stressed ill take my kelpie out for a long walk. My theory is to never stop exercising, it makes me happy and free. I alter my workouts to the mood I'm in. I must be consistent and never give up :)
  • Favourite snack on the run? BSC protein balls or an apple. Usually, shoots start early an end late. so I pack myself some nuts to munch on through out the day.
  • What do you look for in activewear? As I am quite tall, having longer clothing is a must! I like singlets to almost cover my hips, my compression pants to cover my ankles & my jackets to reach my arms. I also opt for bright colours or prints I like. Leopard happens to be a huge favourite, it makes you feel sexy, strong and I think it makes you run a little faster!

Posted in active living, beach living, fitness fashion, healthy living, inspiration, model, sydney



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