An interview with our co-founder

Posted on February 06, 2013 by Bryan Ries




Meet Noa, the co-founder of Vie Active! With a background in sales & marketing, a passion for fashion and an (almost) lifelong dedication to health & fitness, Noa became a certified personal trainer and health blogger after moving to Asia several years ago. After moving back to her home, (her “love”) Bondi Beach Australia in 2011, she had an epiphany one day to merge her two passions. We chat with Noa about what motivated her to launch Vie Active and what or who inspires her.

As a personal trainer and a mother, I was almost always wearing my workout gear. Whether I’d be on my way between clients or sessions or just hanging out and walking walking walking the pram to try and settle my daughter, it was almost a guarantee that I’d be wearing my gym gear. I realized one day (when I looked at the clock and saw it was 4pm and I still hadn’t fit in a shower or changed out of my gym gear) that there had to be a way for me to feel and look chic and stylish whilst still being able to do my favourite (intense) workouts. I was sick of choosing between my “fashionable” clothes and my workout clothes! Couldn’t they be one and the same!? And so I began the journey to launch Vie Active. I was determined to find a way to enable people be active (and fashionable) all day long without getting that disgusting cold, sweaty feeling you get from traditional workout materials which means you need to shower and change immediately. I am so proud of the fact that our materials enable you to be active and stylish all day long! You can see I am passionate about this!

So Noa, how do you live an active life, what’s your favourite way to stay fit?

I try to make sure I move every day in some way shape or form. I love combining HIIT workouts a few times a week with something a little gentler like a walk with my daughter in the stroller or a bike ride with her on the back.

Who is your biggest inspiration?

My father was, and continues to be my biggest inspiration. He died doing something active and something he loved (cycling) but there’s not a day that goes past where I don’t think of him. In fact, printed in to every piece of Vie Active clothing is one of my favourite lines from my dad: “the body only does what the mind tells it too”. At some point or another we all reach a point in life when we want to quit. Whether it’s a physical or mental barrier, there’s something telling us to stop. I love this line because it’s a reminder that your mind and your body are stronger than you think. Just when you think you can’t go any further - one more rep, one more stride, one more lap, it is possible. You just have to let your body know that your mind is in control.

What is your favourite thing to do on the weekend?

Do something active with my daughter and husband. I love going for hikes at a local national park along the breathtaking Australian coastline or for bike rides in the local park. A bike ride to breakfast is a pretty sweet morning for me!

What’s your style like when you’re not working out?  

I have a pretty eclectic style and love to dress up for work just as much as hang out in surf-style, sporty clothes. You can pretty much be guaranteed to find me in some sort of leopard print on any given day!

Favourite healthy dish to cook?

I am a huge green smoothie fan. My current favourite is kale, frozen banana, vital greens, avocado, coconut oil, probiotic powder, protein powder and almond milk.

How do you find balance?   

As long as I get one hour a day to workout and some time outside I am ok. I tend to operate pretty well under pressure thank g-d as I seem to have many balls in the air at any one time. I am trying to get to yoga once a week and if I can’t, I find just doing one slow, outdoor activity where I am forced to smell the roses helps me to feel balanced.

What does living an active life mean to you? 

Living an active life means everything to me. It is about nurturing and respecting your body with healthy food and pure oxygen from working out, strengthening your muscles and your mind by pushing yourself past a pain barrier. I feel more happy and more alive when I am active.



Posted in active living, balance, fitness, health, healthy living, inspiration, Vie active, vie active list, wellbeing



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