An interview with Ozfit founder and Vie Activist, Lisa Clayton

Posted on February 06, 2013 by Bryan Ries

Vie Active chats with Singapore-based Ozfit founder, and supermum of two twin toddler boys (and another on the way!) about what it means to live an active life. 


As an Australian expat living in Singapore, Lisa noticed there was a significant gap in the market for outdoor loving Aussie fitness trainers training like-minded expats. With a life long love affair of sport and wanting to stay fit and help others to do the same, Lisa became a personal trainer and launched her hugely successful business, Ozfit (, specialising in group outdoor fitness for men and women. Ed’s note: If you’re ever passing through Singapore and keen for a smashing workout outdoors checkout Ozfit. We guarantee you’ll find the post-workout sweat induced endorphins and Lisa’s infectious enthusiasm addictive!

How do you live an active life, what’s your favourite way to stay fit? 

I love running but also love HIIT workout. I don’t like the gyms, as prefer to breathe in the fresh air and not be confined to any walls. I love hiking with my family and friends and running around after my very active 2 year old twin boys.

What is your most effective but most hated workout move?

Slow lunges and jump lunges 

If a client told you they had only 20 minutes to workout, what 5 moves would you recommend?

I'd do an interval set incorporating some sprints ( if there is a stair set or hill even better), burpees with a push-up, mountain climbers, squat jumps and skipping- they are going to burn calories with these compound movements and get their heart rate right up very high in a short amount of time. If you focus and work 100% your max efforts, you can certainly sweat the house down in 20 mins!

What is your favourite thing to do on the weekend? 

Beach, Brunch and Boys (meaning husband and sons!) Family time is important on the weekend and most activities we do will be outside.

What’s your style like when you’re not working out? 

Casual, and bright colours! I like to be a little girly with lots of accessories.

Favourite healthy dish to cook? 

I'm a lover of designer salads. That means, I don’t follow many recipes, I design them! My fridge is always stocked of greens, cheeses, seeds and protein to prepare a healthy and filling meal at the end of the day. My salads wont leave you feeling hungry-salads don’t need to be boring, I like to jam as much as I can into mine.

How do you find balance? 

As long as I have an hour of me time a day to do exercise and I can check off my to do list while the boys are at school or asleep, I feel balanced. I'm fortunate that my job forces me to get outside and be active so I'm never sitting on my butt with nothing to do! I like to squeeze in some yoga and walk the dog also. I couldn’t sit still though for long even if I had to….

What does living an active life mean to you? 

It means everything. Being active gives me the energy to engage with life in a meaningful and fulfilling way.



Lisa and her two gorgeous boys


Posted in active living, balance, fitness, health, healthy living, inspiration, motivation, Vie active, vie active list, wellbeing


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