An interview with Supermum co-directer, Vie Activist, Felicia Oreb

Posted on May 20, 2013 by Bryan Ries

Felicia Oreb, Co-Director of Supermums In Training and Fit Chicks In Training is a personal trainer, wife to one of Australia’s best strength coaches and a mother to a toddler. Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, her favourite city in the world.

Ed's note: This Supermum also has a Bachelor Degree in Interior Design and loves family, food, fitness, design and all things that make for a healthy and happy life.


After giving birth to my little one, I became extremely passionate about ensuring my family and myself were as healthy and happy as possible and from this I was inspired to encourage other mothers and like minded women to strive to live a healthier and happier lifestyle. It is our aim to inspire women to eat as healthily, naturally and organically as possible and stay as fit as possible, all while looking after the family and keeping everyone happy and healthy, including themselves.


How do you live an active life, what’s your favourite way to stay fit?

Besides running after my cheeky little monkey everyday, which keeps me super busy, I run outdoor bootcamps and group training sessions for women. Our sessions are weights based, so unloading and loading the car on a daily basis with 100’s of kgs of weight definitely keeps me fit and strong. I also workout in the gym 5-6 times per week and I love doing it all.

What is your favourite thing to do on the weekend?

Go out with my family to the park, beach, shopping centre, anything really, as long as we are together. The simple moments together are the best.

What’s your style like when you’re not working out?

Casual, chic and comfy

Favourite healthy dish to cook? 

Gluten Free Spaghetti Bolognese, Friday night specialty.

How do you find balance?

Working as a personal trainer allows for flexibility throughout the day. On most days, I have been and trained the girls and am back at home all before my little one wakes up. We eat together, play together and then its school and work, it all works and for now it seems balanced, I guess it will get a bit crazier when more kids come along.

What does living an active life mean to you? Being able to train 5-6 days per week, get through all of my work and chores in a day as well as having enough energy to play with and care for my little one. All of this is achievable when I eat well, sleep well and stay hydrated.



Posted in active living, balance, fitness, fitness fashion, health, healthy living, inspiration, motivation, sydney, Vie active, vie activists, wellbeing



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