An interview with Supermum co-director and Vie Activist, Diana Johnson

Posted on May 20, 2013 by Bryan Ries

Born and raised in Sydney's beachside suburb of Coogee, Diana is the co-director of Supermums in Training and Fit Chicks In Training, one of the countries leading outdoor mothers and women’s fitness group training. In addition to working in the fitness industry for a number of years, Diana has also been working in child care for over a decade. In this time not only have I motivated countless children in my care, but also educated the parents and families of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and implementing this in their children’s lives. I am often referred to as the ‘baby whisperer’ in the childcare industry, but in the fitness industry my specialty is getting ladies strong and sexy.


What do you love about Coogee beach?

Coogee is my one stop shop for all of my daily essentials; coffee, organic grocer, breathtaking view, mind cleanser and swimming locale.

How do you live an active life, what’s your favourite way to stay fit?

Having worked in the child care industry for over a decade, I have always lived a very active life. If it isn’t playing with children and running several business throughout the day, it is training myself in the gym, having fun outdoors by the beach and travelling the world. I’m always on the move!

What is your favourite thing to do on the weekend?

Going for a walk along the coast and relaxing on the rocks with a coffee and woman’s health mag- ultimate mind, body and soul relaxation time!

What’s your style like when you’re not working out?

Sporty Chic with a touch of glamour

Favourite healthy dish to cook?  

Hmmmmm that’s tricky! I love good food! I cant go past a great homemade gluten free pizza.

How do you find balance? I always make sure a part of my day is dedicated to me…. Some clear head space.

What does living an active life mean to you?

Keeping busy and on the move all day, training, working, travelling and living a fun, healthy and fulfilling life.


Posted in active living, balance, fitness, fitness fashion, health, healthy living, inspiration, motivation, Vie active, vie activists, wellbeing



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