In the studio: Kate Kendall

Posted on July 14, 2013 by Vie Active


For the time poor, efficient exercise is what its all about these days. While we love a good HIIT session for maximum bang for your buck (time), sometimes its just as important to slow down, calm the nervous system and stretch the body. Flow Athletic Sydney's latest premium gym in Paddington's iconic shopping destination, The Intersection, has nailed this combo with their unique class Bike Asana. The perfect combo of a good sweat and stretch session.

We chat to co-founder Kate Kendall about her life in and out of the studio.

What inspired you to start Flow Athletic?

Ben (the second half of Flow Athletic) and I met as a result of me giving him yoga lessons and him giving me fitness PT. We each saw the massive benefits from each others' trainings and thought how great it would be to marry up the yoga with an athletic mindset and create this kick-ass, awesome experience where people could get fit and feel great about themselves. We're both also very passionate about community so the group fitness element was a no-brainer. We love the energy of a group class. 

Describe your typical work-week

6-8am: Teaching classes or walking around the studio, connecting with and chatting to clients. Favourite part of the day! Second favourite part of the day: Breakfast at Jackie's! 

What’s your go-to workout

For a power workout I'll do 30mins TRX, 30mins mins of a strong Vinyasa Yoga practice. TRX is the BEST core workout I have ever done and yoga grounds & energises me - the perfect balance. 

ON a Sunday afternoon you can't beat a good long yoga practice. 

How often and what do you eat?

Because I'm moving all the time and so physical I eat light meals throughout the day so that I don't feel weighed down. Breakfast is a small portion of porridge or wholemeal toast with avocado and cottage cheese; morning tea is nuts or apple; lunch is rice paper rolls or salad ; afternoon tea is a Bounce protein ball or banana and dinner is steamed vegetables with a piece of fish. I eat clean to feel 100%. Having said that I enjoy a glass of red with a meal out. Balance. I don't believe in strictly cutting things out of your diet – only makes me want it more.

Favorite healthy snacks

Protein balls, dates, anything with coconut, sesame snaps. I like superfood drinks like Nuzest's GOOD GREEN STUFF too. Packed full of awesome-ness. 

What do you look for in activewear?

I love rocking anything I feel confident and comfortable in. I wear the Vie Active Katrina Tank (pictured) at least once a week to workout in (its perfect for stretching in yoga or getting a bit of a sweat on in spin! Or both in the Flow Athletic unique combo Bike Asana! This winter I am in my Libby Hoodie it's great pre and post workout and to and from the gym.

What’s always in your gymbag?

Deodorant, Vanessa Megan's Rose Oil Water and my Vie Active Life Water Bottle – I love it! 

Check out Flow's Bike Asana class here.



For more information. Visit

Posted in active living, balance, entrepeneurs, fit and healthy community, fitness fashion, healthy living, Vie active, wellbeing, yoga



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