My healthy life: Monique from Mama Chia Wellness

Posted on July 14, 2013 by Vie Active


In this week’s, My healthy life,  we sit down for a chat with Monique Richards, owner of Sydney’s Mama Chia Wellness. A certified Health and Lifestyle Coach, Monique helps women rebuild their health and transform their life so they can reach their full potential. Mama Chia’s Health and Wellness Programs and RAW food classes give women and families the opportunity to nourish their bodies from the inside out.  Monique also produces her own range of Mama Chia muesli (a big favourite in the Vie Active household!).

Recovering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, an early life as an Australian gymnast and becoming a mum were key motivating factors for Monique to start Mama Chia Wellness.

What’s your favourite way to stay fit?

I love running and CrossFit training for my body and meditation for my mind and soul.

What’s your style like when you’re working out?
Comfortable and colourful. 

Can you share a make-at-home recipe with us? 

Sure, my Golden Green Breakfast Bowl. Consuming green smoothies and juices is a daily occurrence for my family and I. It’s a really great way to start the day.  


  • 2 frozen bananas (you can use unfrozen if you don’t have any, it just won’t give the same, thick consistency)
  • 6 peaches (seed removed)
  • 3 leaves of kale (de-stemmed)
  • 2 small cucumbers (peeled)
  • 1 tbs of cacao powder
  • 1 tbs of chia seeds
  • ¼ cup of water/coconut water (or less if you like it thick)


  • ½ cup of Mama Chia Super food Muesli
  • 3 tbs of bee pollen


  1. Add water/coconut water and then add bananas, peaches, kale, cucumbers, cacao powder and chia seeds.
  2. Blend till silky smooth.
  3. Pour into bowls, add toppings and gobble up.

As a working mum, and owner of your own business, how do you find balance?

I dedicate all of Sunday as family day, where my husband and I can connect and have fun with our son, Talis.

What does living an active life mean to you?

It means living with true passion and love. It’s about feeling the fear and doing it anyway. It’s about consistently aiming to achieve personal intentions while simultaneously being present enough to appreciate the moment.

What’s always in your gymbag?
I keep it simple: BPA or glass waterbottle, a superfood trail mix and deodorant.

What totally relaxes you?
I feel a total sense of freedom when I’m outdoors, bare foot and without a schedule. 

What’s your biggest vice?
I’m obsessed with buying RAW food cookbooks.

What was the last thing you recommended to a friend?
That taking time out is essential to good health.

What’s always in your fridge?

Organic fruits and veges – I live on them! A jar of coconut oil, and jars of cacao power, chia seeds and almond butter.

Your style icon:           

No one in particular, but I love when women accentuate their personality through what they wear. It demonstrates confidence and self-love.

The book on your bedside table right now:

Healing with Wholefoods – life changer. I’ve had it for years and it’s still by my side.

Three things on your bucket list:
To go hiking in Patagonia, become a qualified meditation teacher and have more beautiful children.

Your latest obsession: blogging, it’s a wonderful way to connect with likeminded people who are wanting to lead healthy, happy lives.

Advice you’d give to someone just starting on their wellness journey?
Consistent small changes transform into life changing habits: start small and aim high.

To find out more about Mama Chia Wellness head to


Ed’s note:

If you live in Sydney, we highly recommend you check out the Mama Chia Raw Food Classes for Optimum bite at a time.  

Monique will teach you to amazing superfood juices and smoothies that will power you and your kids through the day! Her classes redefine what healthy eating is all about and all ingredients used are gluten, dairy and processed sugar free.

Book now – next class is on Sunday, 4th August.


Posted in active living, balance, entrepeneurs, fit and healthy community, guest, healthy living, inspiration, recipes, wellbeing



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