My active life: Fitness, Food & Style's Dani Stevens

Posted on July 16, 2013 by Vie Active

As a mother of 4 children, under the ages of 7, Dani Stevens became a full-time stay at home mum after the birth of her second son. Pretty quickly though, she realized there was something MORE she could do and share with the world.

Just over one year ago, Dani launched the wonderful blog Fitness Food and Style after several friends and acquaintances encouraged her to share her journey with others and 100,000 followers later, aren’t we glad she did!?  We sit down with Dani for a virtual cup of tea to chat about her active and healthy life and how she manages to fit it all in while still looking glamorous and being happy.

What’s your favourite way to stay fit? I follow a 15 minute resistance and interval training program. I don’t workout more than 90 minutes per week, as you can imagine time is so valuable with our young family so I really need routines that work!

What does a typical workout look like for you? My 15 minute resistance training session consists of 5 sets of body weight (or I use hand weights, kettle bells etc..) exercises eg; lunges, hip flexors, squats etc…with either 8-12 reps. The following day I do 15 minutes of interval training and my fave at the moment is kettle bell swings. 60 seconds fast pace and 30 seconds march on the spot, do this 15 times and watch that fat melt away.

What’s your style like when you’re working out and hanging out? I love bright and vibrant workout gear, having said that I also love my latest Noa Vie Active leopard print jacket as it’s super cool to wear when I’m not working out. Outside of my workout gear, my look varies from street style and rockstar to boho and parisan chic.

What’s your style like when you’re going out? It’s mainly the rockstar look eg: leather jacket, metallic jeans, black boots, pop scarf and earrings.

Favourite Family friendly healthy recipe?  Our banana pancakes. Since my girlfriend introduced them to me last year, we are hooked. If you have 1 banana and 2 eggs, these amazing pancakes appear, We need to triple the batch to feed us all.

As a mum of 4, and owner of your own successful blogging business, how do you find balance? Our life is all about our family and meeting their needs. It is also REALLY important to incorporate “me time”. Often my husband and I will back each other by letting the other one have some time out. For Adrian its an hour in the surf, for me it’s an hour of yoga. Being organised is also key when managing a household of 6 and a business. Having said that I would love a house keeper :)

What does living an active life mean to you? Moving daily and teaching healthy habits to our young family. We often workout together, go to the park, bike ride etc.. No matter what the season, get out into that fresh air.

What are your makeup must-haves? Lip gloss, lip lube, lip moisturizer or lip stick!!! I always need to have my lips lubricated! I also never leave the house without mascara. Another SAHM gave me this tip as we are so caught up with staying at home that we never really bother looking our best. All that has now changed.

What’s always in your gymbag? I don’t have one. I work out at home. So my workout space has a kettle bell, fit ball, resistance bands, hand weights and a yoga mat.

What totally relaxes you? Massages and YOGA! I love yoga and I am a newbie.

What’s your biggest vice? Chocolate.

What was the last thing you recommended to a friend? Eating healthy as a lifestyle and not relying on pills and teas to lose weight.

What’s always in your fridge? Fresh fruit and vegetables, sparkling mineral water and almonds (I keep them freh in there)

Your style icon: Gwen Stefani, Elle Macpherson

The book on your bedside table right now: The Power Of Now

Three things on your bucket list:

Meet Richard Branson

Travel to Rio De Janeiro

Go to Yoga Retreat (to learn yoga)

Your latest obsession: See above, I have created a #richardbransonproject campaign on all social media platforms to challenge Sir Richard Branson to come ride with me (Ride To Conquer Cancer) so there are people all across the world holding up a sign asking Richard to come ride with me. I am wanting to reach 1 million likes on our Vision Crusaders Facebook page and can’t wait to hear from him. If my husband ever sees me missing for a little bit, he just checks my Twitter feed.

Advice you’d give to someone just starting on their active life journey? Take baby steps. It’s all about progress and not perfection. If you go too hard too soon you slip and go back to your old habits. If you can start by example: cutting out sugar in one of your coffees per week, then cut it out every second day until you omit it completely you won’t even notice it’s gone.

Keep active regularly. Go for a walk with your partner or friend once a week. Make it a habit and always have fun! Nothings worse when you are doing something you don’t love.

To support Dani on her Ride to Conquer Cancer, donations can be made here:
Dani's blog post and letter to Richard is here;



Posted in active living, balance, fit and healthy community, guest, healthy living, inspiration, recipes, wellbeing, workout



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