Why you should be eating "Clean" and a delicious, clean chicken salad recipe

Posted on July 16, 2013 by Vie Active

Guest Post by Katrina Loop from HONEY HNY

Chances are you have heard people throwing around the words ‘clean eating’, but maybe you are not really sure what it is or why you should bother eating clean. If this is you, read on. If you already know the low-down on eating clean but you’d like a fresh recipe idea, just scroll down to Katrina’s ‘Clean eating chicken salad’ recipe.

What exactly is ‘clean eating’?

Clean eating is about consuming food as close to its natural state as possible. It is not a fad diet or a quick fix and it does not require calculations of any kind. It is very easy to adopt (so you can breathe a sigh of relief!). Clean eating is a lifestyle approach to food and its preparation that, if adopted will help you on your journey to improved wellbeing through nutrition.  

Convinced? I hope so! Here is the low-down on how to eat clean

What to avoid:

  • Processed foods
  • Foods high in preservatives
  • Foods with lots of added sugar
  • Foods with high levels of bad fats (all trans fats and some saturated fats). 
  • Foods that have been stripped of their nutritional value and/or have been pumped full of six-syllable chemicals.

What to include:

  • Unrefined, whole-grains.
  • Lots of fresh, local, organic (where possible) fruits and vegetables.
  • Free-range and grass-fed meats and dairy (if you choose to eat dairy).
  • More vegetable-based meals than meat-based.
  • An abundance of water or other no-calorie drinks such as herbal teas (NOT diet soda!).
  • Natural, healthy fats such as nuts, avocados, flax, seeds, olive oil, and organic coconut oil.
  • Make healthy cooking choices, such as baking, steaming, and sautéing whenever possible.

The benefits of eating clean

By avoiding chemicals, preservatives, and refined sugars, you’re cutting down on the likelihood of developing serious health conditions, like cancer. Clean eating also helps you maintain a healthy weight - and might just help you shed a few kilos!

Other benefits you’ll enjoy by eating clean:

  • Improved immune function and energy levels
  • Improved cholesterol levels
  • Blood sugar balance
  • Better sleep and mood
  • General increase in wellbeing

On a final note - Clean eating is not rocket science. It is about learning to simplify things - which should be a welcome change in today’s society! So dive in and commit to a change in diet that will change your life.


Clean Eating Chicken Salad
What you’ll need:

1 cup of mixed purple and white cabbage, thinly sliced

1 cup cooked quinoa

½ cup chopped coriander

¼ cup chopped flat leaf parsley

¼ cup chopped mint

3 cups mixed lettuce

1 cup Tuscan cabbage or Kale

3 tablespoons chopped roasted cashews

1 teaspoon turmeric powder

10cm butternut pumpkin, sliced into 0.5cm slices

4 teaspoons coconut oil

200 grams organic chicken breast

For the dressing:          

3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

2 tablespoons sesame oil

1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

Juice of 1 lime

What to do:

Cook brown rice and quinoa according to packet instructions and set aside to cool.

Slice the chicken breast in half horizontally and dust each side with turmeric powder.

Heat half the coconut oil in a pan and place chicken in. Cook for 3-4 minutes on one side then flip. Once cooked through, set aside to cool slightly then slice into 1cm pieces.

Using the same pan put the remaining coconut oil in the pan and add the pumpkin. Turn after 2-3 minutes of cooking and do the same for the other side. Remove from pan.

Place all ingredients apart from cashews and dressing into a bowl and mix through.

Combine all dressing ingredients, whisk then pour dressing over salad.

Turn salad over a couple of times before sprinkling cashews on top to serve.


For more fit tips head to Katrina's site http://honeyhny.com/

Posted in balance, fit and healthy community, guest, health, healthy living, recipes, vie activists, wellbeing



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