5 easy tips for great legs and a toned butt
Posted on
October 20, 2013
Vie Active
Guest Post: Vie Activist Lauren Johan

We are so excited about the launch of our new range of tights! To help us celebrate, we asked our long, lean & leggy Vie Activist, Lauren Johan, a fitness trainer from NYC to share how you can perfect your pins to make your new tights look even better! Read on for 5 easy tips.
- Squats: Not just for the gym, you can do squats anywhere! When I am not getting regular workouts in I add squats into my daily routine. For example, 10 squats before I leave the house, 20 squats in the bathroom before I jump in the shower, squats while vacuuming the house, it all counts! To add in some calf toning try squatting down, keeping your weight back on your heels then as you are coming up to standing squeeze your glutes and stretch up to your tip toes!
- Single leg bridges: Bridges are fantastic for getting those lazy glute muscles to work better while toning up the back of the thighs. Lie on your back on a soft surface; place your feet flat on the floor hip distance apart, knees bent. Keeping your bellybutton tucked into your spine raise your hips up off the mat by squeezing your glutes. Then raise one leg out straight in line with your thigh and slowly lower your hips towards the mat then raise back up by squeezing your glutes and keeping your thighs aligned. Watch your hips stay square throughout the exercise and keep your weight toward the heel of your foot..
- Backward Lunges with a front kick: All lunges are great for toning the legs but this is a favorite of mine. Step back into a deep lunge then as you come up to standing kick that same leg straight out in front of you. This really targets the glutes as well as working the stabilizing leg muscles, hamstrings and core. To make this more challenging grab a pair of dumbbells and hold them at your shoulders.
- Deadlifts: Deadlifts are fantastic for lifting the seat as long as they are done properly. The best way to learn is to have someone show you then watch yourself in front of a mirror. Start with dumbbells then progress to using a barbell. Another great progression is single leg deadlifts to challenge your core and build stability. The essential thing is to never round your back; this compromises the spine. Keep your chest open, knees soft.
- Step ups: So many great variations to keep your body guessing and burning those calories as well as toning those gams. You can increase the height, tempo or add more weight to really get your heart rate pumping! Make sure to step up by pushing up with your glutes. Do around 8-12 reps on one side before switching to the other leg.
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fit and healthy community,
new york city,
vie activists,
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