[MOVE YOUR BODY, LOVE YOUR BODY] Q and A with Rockell Williamson international director of Xtend Barre

Posted on February 21, 2014 by Sasha Hartley

1. What is your "Love your body" mantra?

SMILE, Live and Love with every vein in your body.

2. What do you love most about yourself?

My Nanna always said that I am like a tonic for people and can make anyone feel better. Not sure if everyone feels like my Nanna does about me but it makes me happy to think that I might have a positive effect on people in some way shape or form be it through energy, words or movement.

3. Why do you think it is so important to love your body?

We get one life – why waste a second!. Make the most of it by starting with loving your body inside and out and then you will be able to share that love with everyone and everything. Generally once we love or are at peace with our bodies everything else aligns and life falls in to place

4. Why do you love the type of exercise you do?

Being an ex dancer my body loves making shapes that feel long and elegant and come from a place of emotion. Dance is expressive and when I do Xtend Barre and Pilates I can feel energy running through every inch of my body. It never feels like exercise but more something that is enjoyable and fun and part of my life. An hour of Xtend Barre or Pilates goes quick for me because I enjoy how it makes me feel and love the people that are around me doing it too.

5. How do you nourish your body?

I eat well often and listen to what my body needs. I don’t punish it by cutting out little treats from time to time. I try to get a good amount of sleep each night and I reward my body with reflexology.  


  1. What are your top three beauty tips for caring for your body?
  • LOTS of Water
  • Living in Vegas it is very dry and I use coconut oil for my elbows and knees.
  • Sun protection
7. Do you have any advice for anyone who is struggling to love their body?
Get with a bunch of girlfriends and all write 3 things they love about each other’s body when they look in the mirror and then acknowledge and love those things on yourself too.
Surround yourself with positive people that are going to empower you to love your body and work with you on nourishing and rewarding your body with movement and good nutrition. There may be people in your life that are sabotaging you feeling free to love your body and it might be time to filter out some of those friends.
8. Who is your biggest move your body, love your body inspiration?
I would have to say the Xtend Barre instructors that work so hard for us all around the world. They adopt this philosophy and share it to so many people on a daily basis. Pretty inspiring when you see a worldwide network of trainers with the same goal of getting people to move their bodies and love their bodies.

Posted in beauty, confidence, fitness, love, move your body love your body, self love, share the love, workout, xtend barre



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