Meet Erin Stutland our newest Vie Active Ambassador

Posted on April 01, 2014 by Sasha Hartley


Tell us a little bit about yourself? (What do you do, what inspired you to start your business, what do you love about your hometown?)

I live in NYC by way of Chicago. I originally moved here to dance professionally and after doing that for a few years, I started acting in film and television. One way or another, I found my way to teaching fitness and absolutely fell in love with it.

I have a workout that I created called Shrink Session: Sweat Therapy, which can be taken as a class in a studio and also as videos in the homes of women world wide.

What or who is your biggest inspiration?

My mom. She is an ovarian and breast cancer survivor and the toughest and most loving woman I know. If I am half the mother she has been to us, I will have succeeded.

How do you stay motivated?

I do A LOT of journaling. It’s my favorite way to connect to myself and get in the flow. I get many creative ideas when I am journaling, and this usually leads to taking some new actions.

What’s your favourite way to stay fit?

Shrink Session! It combines cardio-dance, yoga, mantras and mediation. It’s full body, full fun, and full joy!

What’s your style like when you’re working out?

I tend to stick with darker bottoms with a pattern of some kind and then mix it up funky on top. Sometimes I wear cut up rock n roll tshirt to work out in. Sometimes I will wear a more traditional workout top in a fun colour.

What’s your style like when you’re going out?

I have to be comfortable. I think growing up as a dancer and now doing fitness, even when I am not in workout clothes, I have to feel comfortable. Urban, rock n’ roll, boho is probably how I would define my style.

What are your makeup must-haves?

Laura Mercier primer. This makes your skin GLOW!

Eyelash curler is a must and a few coats of mascara.

Light pink lipstick that looks good on almost any skin tone.

A great moisturizer with sunblock.


The book on your bedside table right now:

I am always reading 3 books at once. Right now I’ve got Tina Fey’s Bossy Pants, A Path With Heart by Jack Kornfield and my good friend Jessica Ortner’s new book Tapping for Weight Loss and Body Confidence. (Out in May!)



What does living an active life mean to you?

In means sweating a little bit on a regular basis in a lot of different ways.

(p.s. We totally agree!)

What do you typically eat and what do you try to avoid?

I eat 90% vegetarian with lots of greens and grains. Then I treat myself to a burger every now and again because they are just so good. I try to avoid processed and sugary foods, but a girl’s gotta indulge now and again.

What's your workout ethos? 

It doesn't matter what kind of workout you do as long as you are having some fun. And if it is not fun initially, find a way to make it fun or pick something else.

What do you look for in active wear?

Compression pants that aren’t too tight you feel like you can’t move. (Shop our compression tights)

Number one reason for taking care of your body: 

So that my mind is clear and so I can feel powerful and strong.

Message you’d send the world with one request: 

I love you. Do you love you? Please oh please do. If there is one thing you do, it’s to love up on you.

Can you share your ‘signature’ healthy recipe?

Everything But The Smoothie. I made it up. 

Can you share a typical workout?

Other than Shrink Session, which is THIS: the only thing typical about a workout of mine is that it is always changing.


Top 3 things always in your gymbag?

Sneakers, water bottle, ipod.




Posted in compression, dance, hip hop, pilates, shrink session, smoothie, VA ambassador, vegetarian, workout



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