Q and A with Jane Wurwand: Founder of Dermalogica

Posted on April 06, 2014 by Sasha Hartley

On our recent trip to America, I had the pleasure of meeting Jane Wurland, founder of internationally renowned skincare company, Dermalogica. Jane is one of those rare people you meet with a sparkle in her step and a twinkle in her eyes. Having lost my own father (like Jane) very suddenly 7 years ago, I found Jane's strength of character and resilience inspiring. As a successful businesswoman, her commitment to empowering other women to succeed through business is truly amazing. I feel both honoured and priviliged that Jane took the time to sit with us for a virtual cup of tea and tell us a little about her life, her motivations, inspirations and how and why she lives an active life. We hope you enjoy this xoxo Noa 

Tell us a little bit about yourself? (Where do you live? What do you love about your current hometown? What do you do, how did you get started in your industry?)

I live in Los Angeles, on the west side, in leafy Brentwood. I love that LA is a city of reinvention and new beginnings. Dreams really DO come true here - mine did! I started in the professional skin care industry at age 13, working Saturdays in the local hair salon in Poole, in the south of England. When I left school, I went straight to study skin care and graduated as a professional skin therapist in 1976. I then began my apprenticeship, became a senior skin therapist, an Instructor and emigrated to the USA in 1983. I started teaching skin therapy, and then launched Dermalogica in 1986 with my then-boyfriend (now husband!). We have grown Dermalogica from a $14,000 start up to be the number one professional skin care product in the salon/spa industry worldwide.

When do you like to workout, Sunrise or Sunset?
Both! I work out in the early morning, and love to then wind down with a sundowner and a view.

How do you live an active life/what’s your favourite way to stay fit?

I have a pretty strenuous travel and work schedule, so it's essential that I maintain my stamina and manage stress. I work out 5 times a week for an hour each time. Three pilates classes on a reformer, one ballet barre class and one Soul Cycle spinning class. I prefer to work out early mornings.

What is your morning beauty regime?
Well, I don't consider anything skin care related as 'beauty' - it's part of a health and wellness program. I use our Daily Microfoliant in the shower, then UltraSmoothing Eye Serum, MultiVitamin Power Serum and Dynamic Skin Recovery spf50. For make up (which I guess is a 'beauty' regime), I use our Sheer Tint medium spf20, and mainly Bobbi Brown shadows, blush, mascara and lipsticks.


What are your top 3 beauty/skincare must haves?
Our Special Cleansing Gel, Dynamic Skin recovery spf50 and Power Rich at night.


Who or what is your biggest inspiration?
Gloria Steinem, the Activist, who when I met her many years ago, and we talked about women's Empowerment, told me to simply "Do more".

How do you stay motivated?
Motivation is an 'inside job'. I'm naturally optimistic and fearless. There's just too much to do and get involved with to allow yourself to become demotivated for longer than a couple of hours. Any time I feel demotivated, I read the stories of some of the 40,000+ women entrepreneurs we have funded through our FITE (financial independence through entrepreneurship) initiative, and I am inspired to push harder. Find out more FITE here.

Being the CEO of a large company and the mother of two girls, how do you find balance?
My mother was widowed at age 38 with 4 young daughters to raise. I was two years old at the time my father died. She taught us that life isn't about 'balance', it's about 'resilience'. Stop seeking balance and find strength.

What is your favourite thing to do on the weekend in LA?
Workout at 9 am (instead of my weekday 7am), meet my daughters for lunch, drive up to Santa Barbara and stay overnight, and drive back through Malibu and horse ride. End with Greek food at the beach and a great glass or two of pinto Grigio. Perfect.

What’s your favourite healthy hot spot in LA?
True Food vegetarian restaurant in Santa Monica and Soul Cycle spinning classes in Brentwood.

Three things on your bucket list?
1. Spend a month driving through parts of Africa I haven't visited yet.
2. Take the Orient Express train from Paris to Istanbul.
3. Rent a farmhouse in Tuscany for a summer and have every one I have ever loved spend time there with me.

Your message you’d send to the world.
Gender equality and human rights for all women and girls is THE issue of the 21st century, as much as slavery was in the 19th century.

What’s one piece of advice you would send to our community about following their dreams or taking a leap of faith for their career?
Oscar Wilde said "be yourself, everyone else is taken". Be your fully authentic and genuine self, and never be persuaded to live someone else's life. Rather fail pursuing a dream, than succeed in never trying.

Where can we find you online?
• Twitter - #dermalogicajane
• Facebook - Dermalogica
• Instagram - Dermalogica

Check out Dermalogica's great range of skincare products for glowing and healthy skin.


Posted in #livewell, active living, beauty, dermalogica, fit spots LA, inspiration, Jane wurland, los angeles, skin care, skincare, workout



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