Happy Birthday to us! Love from Noa

Posted on May 27, 2014 by Phoebe Greenacre


Three years ago, I had an epiphany and a vision to create a new global performance-wear brand that woman of today, particularly those who love both fitness and fashion and the phenomenal way both can make you feel could relate to. I wanted to create a brand that talked both with and to women about health, fitness, wellness and fashion in a way that actually helped make healthy, personal choices rather than just endlessly dictating what products to buy. The solution was offering a unique “Bondi Beach” perspective on the most beautiful and interesting health & fitness related trends in the world; a brand that both celebrated incredible women and empowered women to be the strongest, happiest and most confident they could be.

Today, we celebrate exactly one year since my business partner and husband Bryan and I pushed the button and hit "Live" to launch our website and our dream to share our love of living an active life with the world. The last year has been an adventure to say the least. It's been exhilarating, testing, thrilling, and intense. We’ve conducted meetings while cradling our 8 month old baby, packed orders for major retailers out of our lounge room, finished countless inventory and stocktake sessions from our spare bedroom (thankfully we have a warehouse managing our distribution now), worked tirelessly as a team to try to figure out how to get more stock in a hurry after selling out of most of our new collection by pre-order. More than anything though it has been so rewarding to see our concept to truly marry and amplify style with performance not only come to fruition but also embraced with such love all around the world.

Every decision we’ve made, from our name (Vie Active – a celebration of living an active life), to the way we have approached every print, design or blog post comes from thinking about what that strong, happy and confident woman of today – you – is looking for. 

Birthday's are always an interesting time of reflection. It's so incredible to look at how far we've come (there’s too many highlights to pick just one) but it's been so exciting to work with our amazing team and share how much more there is ahead! Thank you so much for your support, your positivity and for sharing this journey with us.
As our present to you, you can shop the entire range with 15% off for 3 days only. Use BIRTHDAY15 at the checkout.
xo Noa

Posted in active life, active living, fit and healthy community, fitness, fitness fashion, health, healthy living, motivation, Vie active, wellbeing



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