Vie Activist: Meet Chelsea Yamase
Posted on
June 01, 2014
Natalie Nugara
This month we want to celebrate the amazing people we call 'Vie Activists.' These ladies embody all that Vie Active stands for and are the epitome of positive roles models for living an active life. As fashion obsessed fitness fanatics, they test every piece of our gear and drive our blog community with the goal to help us spread the Vie Active mission of active living.
We chatted to our newest Vie Activist, Chelsea Yamase, about everything from how she lives an active life to the most adventurous items on her bucket list.
Tell us a little bit about yourself? (Where do you live? What do you love about your current hometown? What do you do, how did you get started in the health & fitness industry)?
I live on the island of Kauai, the oldest and most northern island in the main Hawaiian island chain. Kauai is an outdoor paradise with a temperate climate all year round, no snakes, alligators, or land predators of any kind. It is small, but I feel like it's a microcosm of all these beautiful and completely different climates and places. I work as a kayak and hiking tour guide. It's a great way to be on the water or in the mountains and get paid for it!
How do you live an active life, what’s your favourite way to stay fit?
Almost all of my passions are active and my job also keeps me fit.
What is your favourite thing to do on the weekend?
I love to plan adventures with friends to places I haven't been. Groups of us will do multi-day hikes or go look for waterfalls, etc.
Tell us about your eating habits (what you eat/ what you avoid)?
I love food and luckily it seems my body craves things that are good for me (most of the time). My mom is vegetarian and since she did most of the cooking for me growing up I tend to gravitate towards simple veggie sautees with tofu, pasta with spinach and tomatoes, grilled or raw fish...that type of cuisine. I've been told I have weird tastes. I like things fairly plain, I love side dishes, and all the things that most people can't resist like chocolate, alcohol, cake, cookies, candy, and soda I am not tempted by at all.
How do you find balance?
Finding balance is something I am constantly working on. It's proven to be a real challenge for me. I love to travel and experience new places. If spontaneous opportunities arise it's hard to me to say no. I'm torn between wanting to start a business here on the island, but wanting to have freedom as well. I think that yoga helps me through life. The ideas of finding ease within the effort, breathing into places that are uncomfortable, knowing your own limitations and being grateful to your own body and presence apply on and off the mat for me.
What do you look for in activewear?
No pinching, but form fitting. Strong stitching and moisture wicking.
Why is Vie Active your top choice for active wear?
Vie Active stands out to me personally due to the fit and fashion forward quality of the line.
What are the benefits of wearing this range when training?
Comfort and quick drying. High end materials and good fit.
How does this enhance your workout?
I don't want to think about my clothes when I'm working out, bits falling out or chafing so Vie Active is great for that.
How does wearing the range make you feel?
Sexy, yet still capable and strong.
What are your favourite pieces from the range?
Sunrise or Sunset workout? Sunrise
Typical workout: Anything outdoors. Surfing, swimming, hiking, kayaking, stand up paddling, dirtbiking, horseback riding. Yoga is my one exception :)

Typical breakfast: Greek yogurt with granola and an apple or banana
What’s your ultimate healthy meal? Fresh fish on the grill with olive oil, basil and lemon, mashed okinawan sweet potatoes, grilled asparagus, and a kale and avocado salad.
What are your makeup must-haves? Mascara and a sheer foundation
What’s always in your gymbag? Towel, water, extra clothes
Best active holiday you’ve ever taken: I've never taken on that was purely active, but this September I'm doing an 8 day horseback riding trek with my mom through the mountains and desert in Arizona so I'm
really looking forward to that!

What totally relaxes you? A hot shower
What’s your biggest vice? Starches. Fresh breads are my favorite, but anything starchy really....pretzels, potatoes, pastas I could eat every night for the rest of my life.
What’s always in your fridge? Kale, avocados, Tofu, coconut milk, fresh fish
What would we be surprised to find in your fridge: ice cream
Your "healthy living" hero: Kimi Werner. Insanely talented spear-fisher woman, can catch, cut, clean and prepare absolutely anything! Friends come over with fresh produce and she can whip up a healthy, tasty meal in no time at all- no recipe book needed.
The wardrobe item you can’t live without: Bikini
The book on your bedside table right now: The Painted Veil
Three things on your bucket list:
Plitvice Lakes in Croatia
Yoga in Ubud, Indonesia
Horseback ride through Scotland
Your latest obsession: organic fresh pressed juice
Number one reason for living an active life: I can't imagine being any other way. Not being active would be like asking me not to breath. It just feels good.
Message you’d send to the world: Make time for yourself. Build a life you truly love. Be fearless. It is all possible.
Posted in
active life,
active living,
healthy living,
vie activists,
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