[Move Your Body, Love Your Body Mantra] with Sol Walkling from BodyMindSol
Posted on
February 23, 2014
Sasha Hartley

What is your "Love your body" mantra?
I am love.3
What do you love most about yourself?
My skin. As our largest organ it reflects the general state of health of our organism rather well. I'm lucky I inherited "good" skin but I didn't appreciate it much until I got older.
My skin is also really sensitive and reflects even just if I have a stressful day straight away. So it's an excellent way to check in on my level of sleep, hydration and general health. When I'm super well, I glow - as do most people with a healthy lifestyle… :-)
Why do you think it is so important to love your body?
Our body is "just" a vessel for our being, our spirit. If you don't show your body love, it probably means you don't appreciate and love yourself much either and you may have to look at that. The external focus on our appearance rather than how our bodies feel is a sad representation of how much our society has moved away from a holistic, natural way of being.
I know from my own personal experience and that of friends, family and clients how sad it is when you disassociate from your body and hate its appearance. It's like not feeling at home and checking out on yourself.
Why do you love the type of exercise you do?
Because Pilates and yoga connects mind body spirit. It has helped me like no other tool to deal with trauma I experienced in my life and through yoga I stopped treating my body like a well functioning machine. I now really see my body as an expression of spirit. It makes me want to take care of my physical representation of who I am here in this life now - not tomorrow
How do you nourish your body?
I try to make every day count to nourish my whole being. I meditate, I eat healthy foods and take supplements when necessary. This year, I have gone almost entirely off sugar and coffee on top of gluten, processed foods and alcohol. I eat mostly whole foods, and I eat in a lot so I can have exactly what my body tells me it needs. I do most things mindfully - more and more, anyhow. I check in with my spirit. I do cleansing rituals. I create a nourishing environment to live in. I minimise my time in artificial environments where I can. I give myself space and time and find the joy in little things.
What are your top three beauty tips for caring for your body?
BIcarb soda to clean your skin - it makes it sparkle!
Coconuts (inside and out) - they provide electrolytes and a whole lot of other yummy things that make your body sing, especially in the heat.
Oils - essential oils to please the nose, argan oil for your face, and anti-inflammatory oil mixes for the whole body post workout.
Do you have any advice for anyone who is struggling to love their body?
For me, feeling my body and mind connect and becoming aware of my spirit through yoga was the most amazing journey. These days, I teach yoga therapy for clients to connect with their bodies, especially post trauma. It's an issue very close to my heart and it can be so amazing to help someone accept, appreciate and allow their body the way it is.
Who is your biggest move your body, love your body inspiration?
Simon Borg-Olivier. He teaches amazing yoga classes that are anatomically amazing and allow people to heal their bodies and experience what "true" yoga is all about. Stop. Be. I studied yoga therapy with Simon and his ability to intuit and view the "problems in the bodies in front of him was astounding.
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active life,
active living,
eat well,
live well,
love your body,
move your body,
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