Primal training you say? It sounds.....kinda.... well, primitive. You're exactly right. Primal movements were man's early exercise (by necessity), but primal and essential to our fitness. These are often types of movements we ignore, but the type of movement we were built for and meant to do. This workout is based around animal movements, which are just like they sound – movements and forms that mimic or resemble different animals, or that are just inspired by the rhythm or nuance of an animal.
Watch Jesse from Agoga training demonstrate his best primal moves.
Not yet up to Jesse's moves? Not to worry, try this Primal Ladder Workout at home or at the park:
Start with 10 moves of each and progress down to 1 move of each.
Then go back up the ladder from 1 move of each to 10 moves of each.
Move 1: Ape Reach
To combat monkey-at-typewriter hunch, squat down, arms forward. Sit up on your heels, open your knees and stretch out your arms, pulling your shoulders back.
Move 2: Scorpion Reach
This one may sting. In a press-up position with your legs bent, bring one knee under your body. Kick your heel up and over, rotating through the spine as you push up.
Move 3: Side Kick Through
This Move is a killer for your abs and obliques! On all fours, lift your right leg and left hand. Rotate your leg beneath you and kick it out. Return and repeat to the right.
Move 4: Bear Crawls
This full body move works your abs, arms and glutes. On all fours, step off with your right foot and left arm – crawl, keeping your knees off the ground.
Move 5: Crab Walk
From the crab, step off with your left foot and right arm, switching sides and keeping your hips an inch off the floor. Remember to go forward, not sideways.
Move 6: Travelling Gorillas
Place your hands to the side of your feet, lift your hips and kick your leg out to the side, landing with the other leg. Alternate sides to gorilla-pound your entire body.
Good luck! x
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