Christmas Cleanse: Easy Green Smoothie Recipe

Posted on December 26, 2013 by Sasha Hartley

Christmas is a time of happiness, love, family and often over indulgence. It is easy to have one too many slices of christmas cake or a couple of extra champagnes. However, a few days later this can leave you feeling sluggish, bloated and uncomfortable. 

This is why we have created this awesome green smoothie recipe to make you feel refreshed and cleansed, so you can enjoy the occasional over indulgence without too many side effects! 


One frozen banana
One handful of baby spinach
Coconut water ( 250 mls )
Chia seeds ( tablespoon)
LSA ( tablespoon )
Shredded coconut

Just toss it all in the blender .. Blend and voila, you are on you way back to feeling happier and healthier already! 

Posted in active life, active living, coconut, detox, fit and healthy community, fresh, green, green smoothie, health, healthy, healthy eating, nutrition, recipe, smoothie, snack, spinach, superfoods



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