Move Your Body Love Your Body- Super Spin Workout

Posted on February 07, 2014 by Sasha Hartley

Spin has to be one of our favourite fat blasting, heart-raising cardio workouts! There is something about walking out of a spin class with jelly legs, dripping in sweat that is elevating, motivating and above all gives you a profound sense of accomplishment. Yes, you did just lose a couple of litres of sweat and those few sneaky cocktails you had on the weekend. And as an added bonus you sweat out tons of toxins, detoxifying your entire body.

As part of our Move Your Body, Love Your Body month we want to get you moving your bodies to show them some love! Here is a killer cycling workout from Equinox fitness trainer Justin Rubin.
Complete with awesome workout playlist!

The Key:  "Mix about 50 percent fast, light efforts with 50 percent heavy, steep climbs [low rpm, high resistance],". And don't forget the tunes. When you take a class, instructors match beats per minute in songs to the intensity levels of the workout, helping you stay in sync.


minutes 0 to 3
> Warm up. Pedal comfortably with little or no resistance.
> Music: "Diamonds from Sierra Leone," Kanye West featuring Jay-Z

minutes 3 to 7
> Add resistance. Make pedaling harder and rise out of the saddle.
> Music: "Harder to Breathe," Maroon 5

minutes 7 to 11
> Add more resistance. Slow your pace to 55 to 60 rpm. Alternate standing and sitting for 30 seconds each.
> Music: "Grenade," Bruno Mars

minutes 11 to 15
> Active recovery. Reduce the resistance and maintain a brisk, high pace (cadence) at 88 rpm.
>Music: "Just Can't Get Enough," The Black Eyed Peas

minutes 15 to 19
> Flat ride. Add a bit more resistance and pedal at 90 to 95 rpm.
> Music: "Days Go By," Dirty Vegas

minutes 19 to 23
> Hill surges. Up the resistance and pedal at 65 rpm. Every 30 seconds, increase your leg speed and surge as fast as you can for 15 seconds.
> Music: "Judas," Lady Gaga

minutes 23 to 27
> Fast and flat. Ease up on resistance and pedal at a fast pace (110+ rpm).
> Music: "Party Rock Anthem," LMFAO

minutes 27 to 31
> Steep climb. Increase resistance and slow to 70 rpm, alternating between sitting and standing for 30 seconds each.
> Music: "Uprising," Muse

minutes 31 to 35
> Steady cruising. Reduce resistance and pedal at your preferred cadence.
> Music: "Curbside Prophet,"Jason Mraz

minutes 35 to 43
> Speed play. Mix short and long sprints (95 to 110 rpm during sprints, 65 to 70 rpm during recovery). Start with 10 seconds and work up to 60 seconds (equal recovery time).
> Music: "If U Seek Amy," Britney Spears

minutes 43 to 45
> Cool down. Pedal comfortably (85 rpm) with little or no resistance.
> Music: "Love the Way You Lie, Part II," Rihanna



  1. "Diamonds from Sierra Leone," Kanye West featuring Jay-Z
  2. "Harder to Breathe," Maroon 5
  3. "Grenade," Bruno Mars
  4. "Just Can't Get Enough," The Black Eyed Peas
  5. "Days Go By," Dirty Vegas
  6. "Judas," Lady Gaga
  7. "Party Rock Anthem," LMFAO
  8. "Uprising," Muse
  9. "Curbside Prophet,"Jason Mraz
  10. "If U Seek Amy," Britney Spears
  11. "Love the Way You Lie, Part II," Rihanna



Posted in cardio, cycle, exercise, fat blaster, fat loss, fitness, playlist, spin, sweat, weight loss, workout



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