
An interview with Supermum co-director and Vie Activist, Diana Johnson

Posted on May 20, 2013 by Bryan Ries

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Posted in active living, balance, fitness, fitness fashion, health, healthy living, inspiration, motivation, Vie active, vie activists, wellbeing

An interview with Supermum co-directer, Vie Activist, Felicia Oreb

Posted on May 20, 2013 by Bryan Ries

After giving birth to my little one, I became extremely passionate about ensuring my family and myself were as healthy and happy as possible and from this I was inspired to encourage other mothers and like minded women to strive to live a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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Posted in active living, balance, fitness, fitness fashion, health, healthy living, inspiration, motivation, sydney, Vie active, vie activists, wellbeing

An interview with our New York City-based Vie Activist, Equinox personal trainer Lauren Johan

Posted on March 04, 2013 by Bryan Ries

I believe a healthy, balanced lifestyle is all about GET, GIVE and LOVE! GET out there and GET your body moving! GIVE your body good nutrition and consciously take steps to LOVE yourself and others.

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Posted in active living, balance, city living, fitness, health, healthy living, inspiration, motivation, new york city, Vie active, vie active list, wellbeing

An interview with chiropractor and Vie Activist, Vibeke Murphy

Posted on March 03, 2013 by Bryan Ries

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Posted in active living, balance, fitness, health, healthy living, inspiration, motivation, Vie active, vie active list, wellbeing

An interview with Vie Activist and physiotherapist, nutritionist and yoga teacher, Katrina Loop

Posted on February 06, 2013 by Bryan Ries

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Posted in active living, balance, fitness, health, healthy living, inspiration, motivation, Vie active, vie active list, wellbeing

An interview with our co-founder

Posted on February 06, 2013 by Bryan Ries

My father was, and continues to be my biggest inspiration. He died doing something active and something he loved (cycling) but there’s not a day that goes past where I don’t think of him. In fact, printed in to every piece of Vie Active clothing is one of my favourite lines from my dad: “the body only does what the mind tells it to”. I love this line because it’s a reminder that your mind and your body are stronger than you think. Just when you think you can’t go any further - one more rep, one more stride, one more lap, it is possible.

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Posted in active living, balance, fitness, health, healthy living, inspiration, Vie active, vie active list, wellbeing

An interview with our US West Coast Vie Activist

Posted on February 06, 2013 by Bryan Ries

If you’ve never visited Sun Valley, Idaho USA, add it to your list. A ski-town in winter and a world class mountain bike, hiking and trail running destination in summer, it’s a vie activist’s mecca (and on our bucket list of places to move to!) Susan Robinson is a Sun Valley local and Vie Activist who defines what it means to live an active life.

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Posted in active living, balance, fitness, health, healthy living, inspiration, motivation, Vie active, vie active list, wellbeing

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